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About Us

SYT Wellness was founded in 2015 by Zhang Yong, a Chinese physician who has practiced medicine for more than 30 years. Our core services include Acupuncture, Bone Setting, Pulse Taking and Prescription, Health exercise and health conditioning, etc.

Cheung Yung was taught by Cen Neng, the master of Wing Chun, who is known as the “Top Ten Famous Doctors in XiGuan Bone Setting” and “Iron Arms Neng”, and has mastered in both martial arts and treatment, specialized in using the Qi on bone setting and acupuncture to achieve the effect of "Qi to needle" acupuncture with precision, dexterity and stable. With secret recipe used for decades for bone-setting, removing blood stasis, swelling and fumigation, numerous patients with various injuries were well treated in the past decades.

After practicing medicine for decades, he has seen many patients wrongly treated their injuries because of ignorance, and caused greater physical harm. Therefore, he wrote "The Complete Book of Pain" in 2014, hoping to gather his many years of medical experience, so that the public can deepen their understanding of the causes, clinical manifestations, and Chinese and Western treatment methods to help patients choose appropriate treatment and health care methods. The “Soup Therapy and Diet Therapy” published in 2016 also adhered to the beliefs of preserving health, disease prevention, early treatment of pre-existing diseases, and conditioning after treatment, teaching people how to use soup therapy to strengthen physical fitness, prevent diseases and maintain health .

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In 2020, COVID-19 spreads around the world. Due to the pandemic, it is not practicable to travel, and people were surrounded with anxiety and sadness,That made Mr. Cheung Yung determined to open, which is convenient for the general public to maintain their health with soup therapy, scented tea and health products, and prevent sickness before they emerge.


Cheung Yung | Celebrity Physician | Founder of SYT Wellness

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