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Authentic Foshan Wing Chun (Second Edition) by Zhang Yong (Chinese only)

Authentic Foshan Wing Chun (Second Edition) by Zhang Yong (Chinese only)

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The book "Authentic Foshan Wing Chun" expounds the true meaning of Wing Chun, which is the masterpiece of the author, Zhang Yong, after decades of hard work. He has inherited the genuine traditions and teachings under Wing Chun. In addition to introducing the development history of Wing Chun, this book also demonstrates the authentic Foshan Wing Chun routines: Siu Lin Tau (the little practice form), Chen Qiao (sinking bridge), Biu Tze (thrusting fingers); Application of equipment: wooden dummy techniques, Six & half point pole techniques, Double Knives (Butterfly Swords), etc. The book is a rare top-graded work for introducing the Nanquan (martial arts of the South). A 30-minute demonstration CD is included with the book.
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