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The True History of Wing Chun (First Edition) by Cheung Yung (Chinese only)

The True History of Wing Chun (First Edition) by Cheung Yung (Chinese only)

Regular price $88.00

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"The True History of Wing Chun" allows the readers and martial arts enthusiasts to have a glance on the martial arts and social activities of Foshan martial arts practitioners during the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and during the Anti-Japanese war. With vivid plot and stories, this book allows everyone to know more about the wonderful life of Wing Chun Master, which fills with superb fighting skills and the inheritance of "Wing Chun", the treasure of traditional Chinese martial arts. All historical stories were passed on orally by Cen Neng to Cheung Yung. Cen Neng worked hard in martial arts and had a high level of diligence. He was appreciated by Zhang Bao’s best friend Ruan Qishan. Zhang Bao recommended Cen Neng under Ruan's sect, and Ruan passed on all his martial arts to Cen Neng.
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