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腰痛|扭傷腰難做1動作恐椎間盤凸出 要快速康復必戒6食物

Low back pain | Sprained waist, difficult to do 1 movement, fear of disc bulging, 6 foods you must avoid for quick recovery

Spraining the waist, such as a flash of the waist, is an acute lumbar sprain. It is a small accident that easily occurs in daily life. However, if it is not taken seriously and dealt with promptly, it can easily limit the overall mobility. In many cases, even deep breathing, coughing, and sneezing can cause difficulty. Feeling extremely painful.

Registered Chinese medicine practitioner Zhang Yong pointed out that the key to diagnosing and treating back pain is not only internal and external adjustments, but also careful attention to whether it is accompanied by intervertebral disc herniation, and emphasis on abstinence, so as to recover as soon as possible.

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