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長新冠咳嗽|康復後狂咳飲雪梨水更嚴重? 中醫教按症狀飲2款止咳茶

COVID-19 Cough|Coughing violently after recovery and drinking Sydney water will make it worse? Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches you to drink 2 cough teas according to symptoms

With the development of normalization policies that have relaxed epidemic prevention measures, the number of people infected with COVID-19 is increasing day by day, and the sequelae of prolonged cough due to COVID-19 are becoming more common, and the types of coughs are becoming more diverse.

Registered Chinese medicine practitioner Zhang Yong reminds everyone that the dietary treatment of chronic cough after recovery from COVID-19 must not be "generalized". In fact, among the patients seeking treatment for chronic cough due to COVID-19, the types of symptoms vary. In addition, after the spleen and lungs are attacked by the virus, The conditions are different, and the symptoms of cold and heat are also different. Therefore, the selection of tea therapy, dietary therapy, etc. must be carefully selected according to different symptoms, so that the right medicine can be prescribed to avoid having the opposite effect, or long-term treatment without success.

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